Preparing for Surgery:

Ensure a Successful Procedure and Smooth Recovery for Your Patients

Become an Affiliate

What is the Program About?

Preparing for Surgery Program walks your patients through simple steps and strategies to optimize health prior to surgery, and teaches them how to speed up the healing process after surgery.

The Benefits for Patients and Providers

Enhance surgery outcomes by enhancing patient overall health:

To minimize health risks and improve overall health of mind and body prior to surgery.

To support optimal detoxification to clear anesthetic agents and pain medications and to support immune function.

To optimize nutritional status to improve wound healing and minimize the need for future surgery.

A Personal Message from Dr. Susan Wilder


The Benefit of Becoming an Affiliate

By becoming an affiliate, you will earn 40% of the program investment for each patient you enroll, AND you will provide your staff an opportunity to earn additional incentive to help your patients improve their overall health.

Become an Affiliate

Watch Dr. Wilder's In-Service Video Presentation

Learn more about the program, modules, and how you can earn income to optimize your patient's health before surgery.

Help Your Patients Achieve the Most Optimal Outcome

... and receive compensation when you become a Preparing for Surgery Affiliate


50% Complete

Help Your Patients Achieve the Most Optimal Outcome

... and receive compensation when you become a Preparing for Surgery Affiliate.

On the next step you will be asked to create your account and provide the Paypal link for affiliate payments.

You will earn 40% of the program investment for each patient you enroll, AND you will provide your staff an opportunity to earn additional incentive to help your patients improve their overall health.